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Pete and Karen Souhrada
Loveland, Colorado
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Pete was born in Chicago Illinois, the son of Frank C. Souhrada Jr. and Dorothy (Hammang) Souhrada.  Karen was born in Las Vegas Nevada, the daughter of Donald and Edna Williams.  (Yes, she is a rare breed - native Nevadan!)  Pete graduated from Southern Illinois University (Carbondale) in 1968. Immediately after graduation, he worked for IBM in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and then spent 6 months on active duty in the Army.  In 1969, Pete was visiting his brother Frank in Greeley, Colorado when he met Karen for the first time.  Karen was in Greeley attending the University of Northern Colorado.  Frank was there attending flight school at Emery Aviation.

At the time, Karen was the roommate of Linda (Yates) Souhrada.  As fate would have it, both Frank and Pete ended up marrying school roommates – Linda (Yates) and Karen (Williams).  


Pete and Karen were married in 1972, the same week that Karen graduated with her degree in Anthropology.  After their marriage, they stayed in Greeley where Pete was employed by Eastman Kodak at their manufacturing facility in Windsor Colorado, and Karen worked in the Admissions Office at the local Aims Community College.  Their first two sons were born in Colorado, Keith and Kevin.

In 1985, Pete was transferred to Rochester, New York where he worked in several different management positions in both Information Systems and Finance at Kodak’s manufacturing facility (Kodak Park) and at their Corporate Headquarters (Kodak Office).  Their third son Kyle was born in Rochester NY.  Pete retired from Kodak in 2001 after 31 challenging and exciting years, and Karen retired from Pittsford Sutherland High School after more than 10 years with the school district. In 2009 they returned to Colorado where they reside in Loveland Colorado.

Thanks in large part to Karen’s active dedication and participation in the scouting program, all three of our boys have achieved Boy Scout’s highest rank of Eagle.

Pete enjoys his days of retirement by hiking, biking, traveling, photography, and exploring hi-tech gadgets. Karen pursues genealogy with a passion, loves to travel too, and prefers snuggling by the fire with a favorite book. They both enjoy time on the road exploring the western United States in their 25’ motor home.  


We are both extremely grateful for the numerous blessings we have enjoyed in this life, including the love and companionship of our family and dear friends from around the world! We look forward to seeing you again and hearing from all of you.   E-mail us: click here