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her family tree… Karen Williams Click here > Karen is researching the following surnames: For your info…A description of cousin relationships This explanation of cousin relationships is courtesy of Carolyn H. Jett
Beatitudes of a Family Genealogist by Wilma Mauk
Blessed are the great Grandfathers, who saved embarkation and citizenship papers, for they tell whence they came. Blessed are the great Grandmothers, who hoarded newspaper clippings and old letters, for these tell the story of their time. Blessed are the Grandfathers, who filed every legal document, for this provides the proof. Blessed are the Grandmothers, who preserved family bibles and diaries, for this is our heritage. Blessed are the Fathers, who elect officials that answers letters of inquiry, for - to some - the only link to the past. Blessed are the Mothers, who relate family tradition and legend to the family, for one of her children will surely remember. Blessed are relatives, who fill in family sheets with extra data, for to them we owe family history. Blessed is any family whose member strives for the preservation of records, for theirs is a labor of love. Blessed are the children who will never say "Grandma, you have told that story twice today."