Our Souhrada Family Homeland and
Emigration to America
Bohemia and Pisek)
History of Souhrada’s in Bohemia
by Jiri Souhrada; Pisek, Czech Republic
“Roots” series - Czech Radio České Budějovice (which contain historical references to Souhrada
Families in Jamný (a village near Písek) (Volume 79; broadcast 07-May-2007)
Záhoří (a village near Písek)
(Volume 141; broadcast
The Church of
Souhrada Ancestors – St. Michael the Archangel
the church archives in Záhorí, Czech Republic
From Bohemia to
list of SOUHRADA surname immigrants to America
by Karen Souhrada;
Pittsford, New York
World War I U.S. Draft
Registration Cards – 1917-1918
A list of SOUHRADA surname
registrants for U.S. military draft
by Karen Souhrada;
Pittsford, New York
“To America” Emigration from the Village of Bernartice and
Jiri Souhrada and František
Translation: Karen Souhrada, Eva Truhlářová, & Jiří Souhrada;
Illustration: arch. Vladimír Jestřáb
“To America” Volume
II – concerning the Souhrada surname
Jiri Souhrada; Pisek, Czech Republic
the Bohemian Connection – Part 1
our Souhrada ancestral home in the Czech Republic – 1990
Frank Souhrada III, Brooten, Minnesota
the Bohemian Connection – Part 2
our Souhrada cousins in the Czech Republic – 1991
Anton Vanicek, Muscatine, Iowa
What a Day!
The Dedication of The National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa
Gordon Flynn, Davenport, Iowa
“In the Beginning” – A
brief history of our Souhrada Family Reunions
Souhrada Cousins gather to get acquainted – May 26, 1981
Leota Campbell Anderson, Bloomington, Minnesota
Proud of Our Czech Roots
Janel Souhrada Stephens, Tipton, Iowa
Souhrada Family History (in
the Czech Language) 
Z knihy
„Kořeny Čechů v Jižní Dakotě“ by Jiri Souhrada;
Pisek, Czech Republic
Family Souhrada (in Czech) by Jiri Souhrada; Pisek, Czech Republic
Václav A
Kateřina Bican Souhradovi translated by
Jiri Souhrada; Pisek, Czech Republic
Matej Souhrada (1833-1905) and his descendents
The Saga of Matej
Souhrada (1833 – 1905) and Veronika Luzum Souhrada (1835 – 1912)
by Jiri Souhrada; Pisek, Czech Republic
The Memoirs of
Frank (Francis) Cyprian Souhrada Sr. (1871-1964)
by Peter Souhrada; Pittsford, New York
Campaign Poster & Text - Frank C. Souhrada Sr. (1871-1964) Mayoral Candidate of Forest Park, Illinois
1959 Letter from Frank
Souhrada to sister “Nettie”
Interview with
Elizabeth “Libbie” (Souhrada) Kinchner (1897-1995)
conducted and documented by Velma and Barbara Flynn - 1990]
Souhrada attorney conducts 1913 USA court proceeding in Czech language
Letter from
Elizabeth “Libbie” (Souhrada) Kinchner (1897-1995) to Elizabeth “Lizzie”
[The letter
was written in November 1918]
Frantisek Souhrada (1817-1883)
Jan Souhrada (1901-1983) and
Albina (Sediva) Souhradova (1911-1975)
courtesy of Jiri
Souhrada; Pisek, Czech Republic
Jan (John) N. Souhrada (1824-1918)
“Souhrada Family
Genealogy & History” – including John (Jan) Souhrada (1824-1918) by Velma Vanicek Flynn
In memory of
Michael A. Souhrada (1880-1975)
numerous tributes, articles, and notes contributed by various family
members compiled by Catherine (Souhrada) Wyrobeck
[source: 1998 Souhrada Family Newsletter]
- Memories
of Grandpa Mike Souhrada by Catherine (Souhrada) Wyrobeck
- Remembrances
of Mike Souhrada by various family members
- No
Sacrifice for Victory Too Great for Michael Souhrada
- Historical sketch of the 49th
Regiment – Iowa Volunteer Infantry (Mike Souhrada’s Unit)
- Spanish
American War Recalled - Mike Souhrada (1880-1975) the last Jones County
Veteran of the War Taken
from The Cedar Rapids Gazette, Sunday March 7, 1965
”Souhrada History” by
Albert H. Souhrada (1914-1985)
courtesy of Catherine (Souhrada) Wyrobeck, Greenfield, Wisconsin
Vaclav and Katherine
Souhrada (1851-1909) from the 1997
Souhrada Family Newsletter
John (Johnny) Joseph
Souhrada (1914-2002) from the 2003
Souhrada Family Newsletter
The Rassman Family History (including descendents of Frederick and Anna
Catherine Souhrada Rassman) courtesy of Larry Shoger
Ronald (Ron) Daws (1937-1992) from the 1996 Souhrada Family Newsletter
Pavelka –
Pawelka – Powelka by Leroy Powelka
Richard Francis Souhrada
(1923-1945) Army Air Corps, WWII - Letters to home “So the War Goes
On” Authored by CAPT Loren R. Leslie, USNR Ret.
At the 1968 Olympic Marathon
Trials, there were six Minnesotans in the race. Among them: Ron Daws (By Sarah Barker Special to the StarTribune; published: August 24,
Otto Wosoba – Anton Vanicek
shares story of his uncle killed in action on the last day of World War I (from an article in the Muscatine Journal,
November 9, 2018)