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1931 Campaign Poster - Frank Souhrada
Text from Mayoral Campaign Poster
Forest Park, Illinois
Candidate for Mayor of Forest Park (Illinois)
FRANK C. SOUHRADA lives with his family at 1120. Circle Avenue. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, July 26th, 1874. Received his primary education in the public schools of that city. At the age of sixteen years he found employment with a large and busy law firm, and through the considerate treatment of his noble-minded employers, he felt his first inspiration for professional and public life. Devoting himself to the study of law at the age of twenty years he graduated from the Chicago College of Law, receiving his degree from the Lake Forest University, and at the age of twenty-one was admitted to the practice of law by the Supreme Court, which profession he has followed to the present day.
Since his admission to the practice of the law, he has honestly and faithfully served all his clients in the matters entrusted to him and in the trials of his cases, always maintained the honor and dignity of his profession, never deceiving neither court nor counsel, so that today he enjoys the confidence and esteem of the sitting judges and his brother lawyers.
In public office he has served as an assistant corporation counsel of Chicago, Assistant City Prosecutor and Assistant States Attorney.
During the world war he was commissioned by Governor Frank E. Lowden, Government Appeal Agent, for Division No. 24, the duties of which office he has faithfully and intelligently discharged until relieved from his duties by the direction of the President of the United States at the termination of the war, receiving his honorable discharge for faithful and efficient service from the war department.
From the time of his residence in Forest Park, he was not a drone in the civic life of the village, devoting himself unselfishly to all matters of public good, and always ready and willing with vigor and courage to assist in the advancement of the interests of the village and the promotion of the welfare of the people of Forest Park.
The residents and home owners living on Circle Avenue and Hannah Avenue, recall the energetic and able manner in which he successfully carried on their fight before the Village Council and before the courts in the removal of the pole yard that nested itself on the railroad right of way between Hannah and Circle Avenues, near Harvard Avenue, which was not only an eyesore but a positive detriment to the home-owners of that neighborhood.
The people of the south side of our village will also remember the untiring efforts he had made to remove the dead railroad tracks laid on that strip between Hannah and Circle Avenues from Harrison to Sixteenth Streets, so that the strip might be acquired for a recreation spot for our men, women and children, the success of which was almost achieved, only for the rash and ill-considered action of the then acting Village Council. This right still exists in the people, because of the failure of the railroad company to carry out the provision of the charter issued to it by the authority of the Village of Forest Park, in carrying passengers and freight to and from Forest Park.
The citizens of Forest Park never had a more earnest defender of the homes of Forest Park against high and oppressive taxes, a fight that he carried on against the rich tax-dodgers during the term that he served as attorney for the Board of Education of Forest Park.
There never was a time when he was called upon to help in any good cause that he did not cheerfully respond, being satisfied with the good that was done the community as his only compensation.
As a candidate for Mayor of
the Village of Forest Park, Mr. SOUHRADA pledges himself:
- to the faithful, efficient and honest
discharge of all the duties prescribed by law and established by custom;
- to economical, efficient and honest
administration of all municipal affairs;
- to protect the homes against oppressive and unjust taxes and special
- to exert every effort in the enactment of a law exempting to a reasonable
measure all property used exclusively for homes;
- to personally investigate every existing condition throughout the village,
affecting the happiness and welfare of the people, and;
- to so conduct the affairs of the village as will contribute to the greatest measure of happiness for every man, woman and child living in, or claiming Forest Park for their home.
On Primary day do not fail to vote for FRANK C. SOUHRADA for Mayor by placing a cross in the square opposite his name.