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The 40th Souhrada Family Reunion in the U.S.A.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, August 1st - August 3rd, 2025, Cedar Falls IA

Thanks to Dave and Cherie Souhrada, Janel Stephens, and Barb Erickson …this year’s event organizers.

Comfort Suites

7402 Nordic Drive, Cedar Falls, IA, 50613

Phone: (319) 273-9999

A block of rooms has been saved for the Souhrada Reunion. Call the number above and mention Souhrada reunion” before July 1st to receive the special rate.

Note: The Comfort Suites has indicated that they are “Pet Friendly”


We have the conference room booked for the entire weekend. Following is the tentative schedule of events:

Friday: 5pm-? Registration, Pizza, Games, and Conversation.

Saturday Morning: Kolaches (all day) and Coffee. (Hotel has breakfast for those staying)

Noon Saturday: Lunch at nearby Cedar Falls Restaurant (TBD)

Afternoon: 40th anniversary special – “Looking back”, Presentations and Auction (bring items to donate to our auction to help defray expenses)

Saturday 4pm: Catered Meal

Sunday A.M. Breakfast, Kolaches, Final Gathering before farewells


Are you planning to attend? If so, send us a note to updates@souhrada.com