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Souhrada Family Home Page - Genealogy, Family History, News and Events About This Website - The idea The idea for this site originated at the 2004 Souhrada
Family Reunion during the business meeting conducted by Anton Vanicek.
It was concluded that a more economical way of sharing information about our
family history, genealogy, and news needed to be explored. We are
hopeful that the Souhrada Family Website is a valued replacement for the
Souhrada Family Newsletter. Upcoming Events - Souhrada Family The 40th Souhrada Family Reunion in the USA is
scheduled for August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Details are available
at our reunion webpage >> https://souhrada.com/family/upcoming_events_files/2025_reunion.htm Past Events - Souhrada Family The 39th Souhrada Family Reunion in the USA was held on Friday-Sunday, August 4-6, 2023, in Cedar Falls Iowa. For details and pictures from the 39th reunion click here.
Be sure to check out What’s New? (Updates since your last visit) Why we share our family experiences [from an article by Leota Campbell] In Home With A Heart,
Dr. James Dobson says: "The lyrics in an African folk song say that when
an old person dies, it's as if a library has burned down. This is true. To
preserve this heritage for our children we must tell them where we've been
and how we got to this moment. Sharing about our faith, about our early
family experiences, about the obstacles we overcame, of the failures we suffered,
can bring a family together and give it a sense of identity." Our Souhrada Family Newsletter is becoming not only our means of communication to know other members of this huge family, but by sharing the events in our lives and sharing our memories, we are recording Souhrada Family History and Genealogy. Through this means, we are coming to know who we are, giving us a sense of Souhrada identity. Are you planning a visit to the Czech Republic? If you are planning a visit to the Czech Republic to explore our Souhrada ancestral homelands, to research Czech history or genealogy, or just for fun, be sure to contact Jiri Souhrada, our U.S.A. connection in the Czech Republic. Jiri can arrange accommodations at his “Souhrada Country House” in Pisek, handle bike rentals, and provide for many of your other travel needs. |